if the series looks like that then i'll watch, untill then, nuff said.
if the series looks like that then i'll watch, untill then, nuff said.
What were you thinking
Story was bad, animation was horrid, it wasn't even funny, and you made Kakashi gay. how many times can one person fuck up 1 flash
That was told in true Noir comicbook fashion. Simply great, your action sequences need a little work. regardless, I like your overall art style.
I bask in your awsesomness
Mario with a dark twist, Whats not to love.
I will look forward to part 2, you might want to work on that guy running. it looks funny, but overall it was good.
very odd, this is the first saladfingers i've seen. I liked the strange mood it had about it. Salad Fingers reminds me of the weevel from" BlockHead", but more intresting
it takes talent to tell a good story. you can tell it without words. simply amazing
unparalelled amazingness
you are amazing. how do you come up with that dialouge. you are a genious
you are awesome, nuff said
very good, i'd prefer more Scotty 2 Hotty
I drew this on a paint program, can you guess who it is/was?
Age 33, Male
Joined on 6/29/07